Friday, August 1, 2014


        This is my "Opposite Words" Theory...When you think about it...we would have to KNOW or label anything, something to understand anything at all, right?  Humans understand and fashion their brains the most logical and obvious way...through how we interpret and understand the laws in our universe.  the brain is a mix between a sponge and a supercomputer, in one word..."logic".  The flip side to that 2-D coin is emotion. The human soul is, our "heart", and our heart is emotion.  When you mix those things together, you get a human being.  With our logic (brain) comes the thinking process and the ability to use our "reasoning" and problem solving skills to predict or imagine the best decision; for the best outcome, to the given stimuli in our lives.  There are a few things that you must agree with to understand this concept: First, you must understanding how susceptible and vulnerable our brains are to attack and influence.This is the foundation of understanding this theory.
       When I say the brain is like a sponge, it is an under-exaggeration.  The human brain is constantly interpreting, deciding, and responding to all of the stimulus in our lives, consciously, as well as subconsciously.  Our brains are the most advanced supercomputers in the universe.  Let me give you an example: WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE...What do cows drink???....................  Did you think "milk"?  Chances are, regardless of your answer and no matter how many times that you have heard that, you can distunguish that the thought went through your head.  Now if our thoughts occur subconsciously (which they do), then our sub-conscious thoughts can be influenced also, and this riddle is an example of that.  It shows us how our brains have been conditioned by norms and how something as simple as associating a color with another's commonly known knowledge, to an animal can almost instantaneously give our brains a generic answer to the question presented to it. Almost INSTANTANEOUSLY, this happens!!!  Our brains are the greatest weapon in our arsenal, as a species, but can also be our greatest adversary, and like any weapon, if our enemy understood how it worked, our enemy would gain an advantage over us. 
      People think of "communication" is ALWAYS acted out in a physical form.  Meaning, that in order for one to communicate with another, they would need to physically talk, text, e mail, etc. in order to communicate with that person.  This theory suggests that we have also been communicating subconsciously and it has affected our ability to communicate.  Let me elaborate.
      Before mathematics, before science, before any of that, there was the written and verbal word.  Language and communication are the FOUNDATION of ALL of our understanding.  In grade school we learn letters and the sounds they make, we arrange them together to form words and we learn the sounds that they make, we combine those words to form sentences and learn how to communicate, we learn verbs, nouns, pre-fixes, root words, etc. and how to associate these words with our senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and FEEL.
      The Spanish language provides a perfect example of how we would first start to associate a word with our senses (This is CRITICAL to understand as part of the foundation of EVERYTHING we know).  At first, when learning how to speak this language, we have to consciously be aware of what sex we are talking to. You have to consciously focus on relating feminine and masculine words (ending in "a" or "o") to the sex of who we are talking to.  Eventually, this association between the sexes and sound, becomes 2nd nature and becomes part of our sub-conscious.  In other words, our brains create a shortcut to the program.  Try to use this as an example for this next topic...
    Eventually we are introduced to the concept of "opposite" words.  What does the word "opposite" mean to you?...............................Define the word "opposite".  The word "opposite" is commonly defined as different or something that is different than, but that is not always true with these words.  In fact, more often than not, those 2 "opposite" words can be another type of synonym.  The word "synonym" by definition is: 2 words that mean the same thing, or 2 words that share similars. But there are different synonyms that are found from "opposite" words.  Examples: white/black=color spectrum, male/female=sexes, love/hate=affection.  I have found that many of these opposite word pairs also have a one word similar.  If this does not seem PROFOUNDLY significant let me explain further.  Understanding opposite words train our brains to identify differences and synonyms train our brains to look for similarities in things.  One conditions separation, and one promotes looking for likenesses.  Think about it!  We were taught this concept at such a young age that it is ingrained in the foundation of our psyches.  If you agree that our brains have created "shortcuts" to make us more efficient and that sometimes we can overlook things without even realizing it sub-consciously, then you can see that we have literally been speaking different languages as a species to each other!!! 
        The fact that SO many people have come to understand the simple concept of opposite words as "different"  completely nullifies its concept.  This is why: If we have defined, to ourselves, that the word "opposite" means different and "different" means not the same, and that association with the word blended with our crude understanding of what "opposite" means, could actually mean the complete OPPOSITE of what it's supposed to mean, then how the hell can we rationalize NOT nullifying it's concept???  I'm not saying that we don't need to look for differences, because we do, and opposite words are the concept/comparison that gives us the ability to look for differences.  Actually, our very survival depends on finding differences.  We need the ability to look for differences so that we can draw a comparison off of to change anything or do anything differently.  We need a comparison, because without a comparison to draw off of, there would never be any progress in the human race.
        We ALL, as the species that has the ultimate authority, on our planet, need to become aware of this "hiccup" or "flaw" in our mental make-up and seek to understand or relate to one another more, in order to consciously correct this "hiccup".  This will, in turn, train our minds to look for similarities rather than differences, and thus evening out the lop-sidedness in our sub-conscious. I believe we have been subconsciously looking for differences and this has trained our minds to separate ourselves, mentally, and too emotionally, and so spiritually, because of these "opposite" words. We need to acknowledge where our technological minds want us to go, and that is to be more aware of the evolution of words and language and to learn how to communicate better. 
       Another way to look at it is this: maybe, our creations that you see in today's technological world , are actually manifistations of memories from past incarnations that our souls have had, and through those memories, we have created the ability to be telepathic, (to some extent) and accomplished this through technology.  Maybe we are subconsciously creating these gadgets in an attempt to recover the abilities that we once had as "sentient" beings: Beings aware of everything at once.  Perhaps all we are doing is living out a lost "sense" that we once had built into our make-up....

-Ryan Mita

Saturday, July 26, 2014

What is a human being??? PART 1

        We humans are an oddity.  To try to understand what a human being is, you must first understand this:  When you breakdown anything you eventually get to 2 things that came from one.  Humans are made of 2 things internally: logic and emotion...but there is no logic in emotion and no emotion in logic.  They are 2 things that cannot be, but are.  Also, we have to KNOW something in order to be "thinking beings", though.  If we didn't have the ability to make up our minds and KNOW certain facts or truths then we would just be confused all the time.  We'd have thoughts go through our heads and our feelings would also influence us and if we couldn't make up our mind or even decide to KNOW anything then we wouldn't be able to make a decision, and thus we wouldn't be "thinking beings".  I believe that all beings on earth are actually "thinking beings", but the size of our brain compared to our bodies is much larger than other animals on Earth, so our thinking ability is higher than other animals.  Also, our brains burn about 25% of the calories that we put into our bodies, and that is a significant amount of calories for any animal to dedicate to "brain power".  It also makes sense that because of our bigger brains we have a more advanced thinking process than other species.  For these reasons I believe that our ability to process more variables more efficiently, about a situation is greater than other animals.
    Our thinking process is influenced by beliefs that have been formed from past experiences and consequences in past situations.  And beliefs are formed by our feelings and logic in a situation.  We must first experience some sort of feeling and know/believe something in order to gain wisdom on how to handle a similar one in the future.  If you walk outside barefoot and stepped on a nail, your feeling of pain will prompt a thought to wear shoes outside so that you don't experience that pain again.  "I should wear shoes outside." may then become a belief because of your learned experience.  Our personalities are a mixture of feelings, logic, and beliefs.  As we mature our beliefs will change and evolve, as wisdom is gained through actions and consequences over time.   
    Human evolution is very real.  Anyone who denies that fact has got to be living in a box.  There is no way that people can't notice the evolution in the past 10 years, in which we communicate.  We have basically made ourselves telepathic.  In today's society, we have come to rely on labels and names to call our problems which society has already deemed as an "illness" or "disorder".  So many parents mistakenly jump on the ADD/ADHD bandwagon, but I think parents are experiencing their children thinking faster and therefore, losing track of thoughts, getting frustrated by miscommunicating, stumbling over their words, and the frustration or WANT to understand, because the thoughts are going too fast in their heads to NOT get mixed up or confused on.  What if these kids are just more evolved to interpret the "Information Age" more efficiently?  Why does everyone seem so concrete on evolution just being a physical thing?
    When we are children we feel an emotion and instinctively understand that in order for us to balance out negative feelings we must replace it with a positive.  So we go from one extreme to the other and through each consequence with similar experiences we grow into a balance that is us by finding a softer extreme than before, and this will continue to happen over and over again until we die.  This circle of life that is the very fabric of us will continue for all the years that we are alive until our death.  It is a constant circle of interpreting, deciding, and responding to the stimulations in our lives.  We learn that although we have similar experiences, through our life, none are all the same and each circumstance has its own set of unique variables which we must consider when making a decision on how to respond to a situation.  This realization also brings an understanding that we simply have no right or ground to judge or assume anything about others' actions or decisions in a situation, as we can see that by looking at ours.
    As soon as we humans decided to KNOW anything of our own, is when the incredible oddity that makes us human beings came into existence.  We are at the "top of the food chain" in the animal kingdom and also on planet Earth.  Where the rest of the beings in this universe have natural predators to think about, we don't, so we become each other's predator and prey.  What sets us apart from other animals on Earth, at the very core of it, is our morals.  An animal at the top of the food chain, with no predators almost has to have a concept of "Good and Evil" built into it cause the whole rest of the planet would depend on it.  With great power comes great responsibility, right?  Well, I agree, but I also don't think that our creator would put that awesome responsibility in our hands.  If he created everything, he should know that this race is too stupid and selfish to be trusted with the keys to the universe. A wise man would agree, God isn't that stupid.  We are so intolerable and insensitive to others' circumstances and backgrounds that we separate ourselves from people we see as "different" when we are really just like any other organism and we are supposed to work together to co-exist on Earth. 

A profound dream I had right after my will mean something in the future.

        I found myself in some sort of institution where I was preaching my "concepts" to a couple others inside of a cell.  There was an air of urgency in the air, like we were on some kind of a time restraint, as I can remember.  As I was talking, someone came to the door and startled us.  When my attention came to the door, I realized that I was being ushered out into the hallway.  As we started running down the corridor my friends started being attacked by others like us that seemed to be possessed with demons.  Loc was with me and even he started humming X-mas jingles and aroused feelings of selfish desires and my wants.  Like "WHITE, WHITE, WHITE...What do cows drink?" and you think "milk", he was planting seeds in my head, via subliminal messaging just by talking.  Others brought my mind back to reality by reminding me of the things that I have recently found to be important in life: Love, respect, loyalty, unity, and integrity.  I can't remember exactly how, but we somehow overcame the possessed people and they returned to their normal human selves. 
         The next day we were sitting around eating and war storying about the epic battle the day before, and how it all started with one girl who showed to have supernatural abilities as she attacked us earlier in the day before we had arrived at the institution.  When I started reminscing in depth some of the battle, I suddenly sensed that people were getting uneasy, like I was somehow making everyone remember too much, and just like Loc had subliminally planted those evil seeds in my head, I was somehow planting painful memories of uncertainty in their heads.  I was reminding them of a horror they all wanted to forget.  As I realized what was happening, I got the feeling that I was not safe, like I would be killed by one of my friends, cause although they loved me, me digging up old painful memories was too great for them to bear and so they decided to kill me as my prophecy had been fulfilled.  But before I was attacked I spoke and said, "It's not over.  I cannot go yet.  To kill me would be a grave mistake." and by the look on everyone's face, they wanted to believe me, but also didn't want the pain and I honestly didn't know what was going to happen, and then I woke up.

      I think I get deja vu of this happening before...but not supernaturally.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Untitled 4: Dad
Look at you smiling, perfect in every way,
You always know just what to do, the right thing to say,
Seeing you just reminds me,
Of what I am and what I will never be.

-Ryan Mita (age: 15)

"Goodbye" 4: Nelia
Goodbye my love, I know I must go and do my time,
I must be strong and carry on because I did the crime,
I know you're mad, I know you're hurt, I'm sorry for what I've done,
Remember the smiles, remember the laughs, remember the times of fun,
I'm going away, but rest assured I will be back someday,
Reunited with you, my love again, and this is what I pray,
But for now, I know I must, learn to let you go,
You have so much life to live, so much love to give, this much is what I know,
What we had was real, as pure as gold, what we had was true,
But asking you to do my time with me is something I cannot expect of you,
I've made mistakes, but to lose years, it just seems so unfair,
But I did the crime, I'll do the time, this is my cross to bear,
I'm told that I'll move on, and find someone, and that time heals all wounds,
But I'm afraid to be alone, I fear my life is doomed,
Believe me when I say "I will become a better man",
But you may fall in love again, this much I understand,
And if by chance, in the time I'm gone, you fall for someone new,
At least I'll know, in my heart, that what we had was true,
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all,
But I hope you still care enough to answer when I call,
I hope that one day you will return back to my side,
But I'm afraid I've lost you forever, I'm afraid you'll run and hide,
I only pray that your love for me does not fade into the past,
And if you're there when I get out, this time I'll make it last,
Tonight I lay my head down, and tonight we are apart,
But I know no matter what happens, I'll always be in your heart,
So goodbye my love, today I must go and do my time,
I just pray that someday your heart will once again be mine.

-Ryan Mita 5/22/08

"Tomorrow"  4: Nelia
Tomorrow is full of uncertainty and sorrow in it's path,
Life alone, without you here must be God's great wrath,
Tomorrow is another day, to realize that I'm alone,
Another day to realize that you might not come home,
Tomorrow I will wonder who's with you when you when you sleep,
It's enough to make me go insane, it's enough to make me weep,
Tomorrow and everyday afterwards I must come to accept,
That you're no longer mine to hold, you're not mine to protect,
Tomorrow I will resent you and hate you for what you've done,
Cause you said you'd marry me, you said you'd bear my son,
Tomorrow I will dream of us and all the times we shared,
And wake up and turn my head to see that you're not there,
Tomorrow you may go out and fall for some new man,
I'm trying so hard to let you go, I'm doing the best I can,
But I'm heartbroken cause I'm afraid your love for me is no more,
I fear You've given up, I fear you've closed that door,
Tomorrow I can only hope to get a letter from your soul,
That says something to heal this pain, something to close this hole,
Tomorrow this wish may never come, I fear that this is true,
Have I really lost you Nelia?  Have I really lost you too,
Tomorrow I will learn to accept the cards that I was dealt,
Cause I know what we had was real, I know what I FELT,
Tomorrow I will wake with a 2nd wind, a chance to build a new,
A chance to love, live, and forgive, like the love I had with you.

-Ryan Mita  5/23/08

"When Your First Love Falls" 4: Nelia
When your first love falls your whole life changes,
You're dropped into a new unfamiliar world all alone,
When your first love falls you question God,
You hate him for taking it all away,
When your first love falls you can't accept that it's through,
You think "We've done this before", but this time it's different and you know it,
When your first love falls you realize all the things you did wrong and regret the past,
You beg and plead to rewind time so you can change the hurt you've caused them, but you can't,
When your first love falls, you just expect it to be different,
You figure that you wouldn't still be in love with the person,
When your first love falls you wonder if they feel what you feel,
Cause maybe if they do there's a way to save what's left,
When your first love falls you blame them for letting you go,
How could forever end so soon?
When your first love falls you see the things you took for granted,
You start to appreciate all those little things that you are going to miss about them,
When your first love falls you wonder who will take your place,
Just picturing them with someone else shatters your already broken heart,
When your first love falls you don't think you can go on,
What's the point of life when you lived only for them?
When your first love falls you reluctantly submit to reality,
They're gone and moving on with their life, and you are no longer in it,
When your first love falls your spirit dies inside of you,
You're in denial but you know what you never thought would happen is happening and your soul just collapses,
When your first love fell did you feel all of this too?
And if so, I ask you "HOW DO I GET THROUGH??!!!"

-Ryan Mita 6/10/08

"My Peace Of Mind" 4: Nelia
I gave you my heart and gave you my soul,
I trusted in you that your love was whole,
I committed my life and committed my mind,
I trusted that you wouldn't leave me behind,
I loved you for you, despite all your flaws,
But I didn't know you could break all love's laws,
I gave you the ring and you said that you would,
And you hurt me in the worst ways that you could,
I dedicated my body to noone but you,
I expected the same but you were untrue,
I believed in your love when no one else did,
Then I was made to look like a kid,
I believed when you told me you loved me too,
But now I wonder how many guys did you screw?
You betrayed my heart and betrayed my trust,
How could you help them find where I was?
I lived for you and you alone,
But now I see that your heart is a stone,
I loved you through all of the lows and all of the highs,
Now my life is ruined because of your lies,
I was blinded by love but now I can see,
You could not be in love and do that to me,
One day you'll see and regret what you've done,
But I won't come back to bear you a son,
I was a fool for loving something like you,
You have no idea of the pain I've been through,
But I know in my heart that someday YOU'LL find,
Someone else who is bred of your kind!

-Ryan Mita 6/23/08

"The Girl I Met The Other Day" 4: Cassie
I met this girl the other day,
A girl who took my breath away,
And through her eyes I saw her soul,
It's beautiful, but is not whole,
And in my mind I tried to find,
A way for her to see her "shine",
To open her eyes to what I saw,
And somehow get her heart to thaw,
She hides behind the masks of a clown,
Anything just to hide that frown,
She hates herself but does not know why,
She's in so much pain it makes me cry,
For if she could only see what I see,
She could finally let go and be free,
We could live a life of happiness and love,
A life that's blessed from God above,
But in my disdain I wake to see,
She must first love herself before she can me,
I have given and given and bared my soul,
But her self hatred has taken its toll
I met this girl the other day,
A girl who took my breath away...forever.

-Ryan Mita 2/14/13

"A Friend"
I'm surrounded by people but I'm still alone,
Everyone else's hearts are like stone,
We all use one another for our own selfish gain,
But noone is there when one is in pain,
Is there such a thing as a friend, a brother, a pal?
Or even one that exists in a gal?
Someone I don't have to count money with,
Someone who's presence is a love and a gift,
I have yet to find a friend like that,
A friend that won't stab me in the back,
But still I will continue to search and explore,
For anyone else who is searching for more...

-Ryan Mita (age: 15)

"A Brother" 4:Kyle
This morning I woke with the strength of a new man,
There's noone else that can do what we can,
I found my brother beyond my blood,
It was not in vain, this trudge through the mud,
You share my spirit and I share your heart,
Never again will you be left in the dark,
And if there be pain just know I'll be there,
Just know in your heart that someone does care,
You were my friend when I was alone,
You believed in me when my heart was a stone,
Believe in yourself and do not be afraid,
And remember life is the choices we made,
Believe in yourself, believe in your heart,
Because of you I will cease to search and explore,
But welcome anyone who is searching for more...

-Ryan Mita 5/11/14

My mind it burns up energy as fast as light-speed,
Soaking up all knowledge some would call it greed,
Intrigued by truth and wisdom by learning who people are,
Only to find out that we're all unique stars,
How much I wish to learn every snowflake that you made,
But if it is to be it is my life that I must trade,
The beauty of this art is almost too intense to take,
It sends quivers through my soul just like an earthquake,
To sacrifice everything I am, but somehow still remain myself,
Is the meaning of life and the definition of real wealth.

-Ryan Mita 5/13/14

"The Beautiful Ironies" 4: Deputy Graham
You fill my life at every turn with wonderment and pain,
But it's all perception I see now, as I see sunshine through the rain,
These tears that flowed forever now a desert from the drought,
Now it's only love since I found out what life's about,
So take your best shot cause my spirit won't miss a stride,
But part of me knows the power you hold and wants to run and hide,
I've overcome adversity there was no life as hard as mine,
So I hope the taste of irony ages just like wine,
And for all the good-hearted souls that get hurt along the way,
My heart will weep forever for the sacrifice you made.

-Ryan Mita 5/12/14

"Why Must You Deny Me" 4: My Parents
Since I was a child you guided me with care,
Never discriminating, you always did things fair,
But when I seeked identity and tried to become my own,
You shut me out your hearts and in turn, mine became a stone,
You cared for me through 3rd parties, you thought that they knew best,
They became my parents when you pushed me out the nest,
So I return to institutions cause it's the only thing I know,
Since the age of 12, they're the ones that have made me grow,
How easily we forget how you've ruled with an iron fist,
How easily we forget about the boy you used to kiss,
And now that I've finally found myself and want to love you so,
You've shut me out completely and God's telling me I must go,
These tears fill up my almond eyes and fall slowly down my cheek,
Inside I'm still a little boy, deep down I'm still so weak,
But I sigh with sorrow I know I must carry on,
And I know inside my heart that you'll love me when I'm gone,
And as I travel through this journey we call life,
I'll see your faces in my head and wonder....why must you deny me?

-Ryan Mita 5/15/14

"Why Is Justice Blind?" 4: The Idaho Justice System

Excuse me, but why is the lady Justice blind?
She wears a blindfold to work, I don't think she's of sound mind,
All she does is gossip and spread rumors with her friends,
Somewhere in her past a man must have failed to make amends,
She holds scales but can't see that the balance is off,
When I told her I was innocent all she did was scoff,
Her best friend is lady Liberty, but Liberty needs glasses,
Her interests are no longer for the poor, no longer for the masses,
They say there is no fury like a woman scorn, but these girls take the cake,
Cause liberty's no longer free and the justice system's fake,
Now I'm not saying men are perfect and ladies you know I ain't,
But some of ya'll are bitches cause I damn sure ain't no saint!

Ryan Mita 5/11/14

"Before I Leave This Earth" 4: The Convicts

Please God grant me this wish before I leave this Earth,
That each of my fellow man knows the beauty of their worth,
We're bound by chains and shackles, the weight holds down our souls,
The pain becomes so much to bear that we opt to forget our goals,
We're taught that our hearts must be as calloused as a stone,
That we choose to venture through this life afraid, cold, and alone,
But our hearts are so very fragile that they wear transparent skin,
That is bound to blow away with just the whisper of a wind,
But they can learn to fly again, these birds with broken wings,
They deserve tranquility, they deserve the throne of kings,
So please God grant me this wish before I leave this Earth,
That each of my fellow man knows the beauty of their worth...

Ryan Mita 5/11/14

"Soul Mates" 4:My Soulmate

I know your heart beats out there, under the stars above,
A reflection of my soul, a reflection of true love,
These opposing energies, your heart and mine,
When combined together, produces the most brilliant shine,
This Yin and Yang between our souls is unique in its design,
And will only fit together with the other of its kind,
To know that you exist out there somewhere under the blanket of our sky,
Has my heart frustrated and my mind asking God "Why?"
When I'm separated from my other half, then how can I be whole?
How can I accomplish this great task, without the other half to my soul,
Will I know you when I see you? Would your heart notice mine?
Could our love blossom like a lotus flower before the ending of my time?
All these questions remain unknown, but I choose to believe, 
But I must ask these questions before the belief can be conceived.

Ryan Mita 9/24/14

"Take Me Away"

Please take me away from this life full of pain,
Cause living shouldn't just be existing in shame,
Birthed in a fire and forged out of steel,
Ironic, my downfall is how deeply I feel,
Cold as ice, yet soft as snow,
A battered heart that noone knows,
What I yearn for is what I seek,
And what I search for is what I keep,
Please take me away, deliver me from this place,
Because I can't bear to see the pain on their face,
Please take me away to a place to call home,
To a place where I'll never again be alone,
Take me away...

Ryan Mita 8/29/15

"Untitled"  4: My Creator

I know my purpose now, but still, I am confused,
You must have a sick sense of humor because I know you are amused,
The beauty in this suffering, how it takes my breath away,
I only wish to remain here with you forever and a day,
Outcasted by society because I didn't fit the mold,
Betrayed by those that loved me, because I chose a different road,
Am I good? Am I evil? I am both. I am me,
The moment I embraced this, is when I truly broke free,
Amidst all of the sorrow this young life has known,
I know now, that I was never alone,
The memory of your presence ever since that fateful day,
A love and understanding, that words somehow fail to say,
It can't be known by the mind, mearly glimpsed but not seen,
An intuitive connection, rather, an internal "knowing",
This unity of opposites, the very canvas of our life,
How can one know peace in the absence of great strife?
They say read between the lines to constrict you to their space,
So, I think outside the box for ways to innovate this race,
There is peace within the chaos, like the eye inside a storm,
every single soul has a purpose, even before the day we're born!

-Ryan Mita 9/10/15

"Dyslexic Love" (E-V-O-L)    4: Megan

From the moment I let you know me, I knew there was pain not far ahead,
But I tried to convince myself that it wouldn't hurt, as long as I wasn't misled,
See my heart yearns for experience, while my mind seeks only peace,
And I took a leap of faith on a love I knew to have a lease,
It was foolish to think I could feel this way and not get cut too deep,
You showed through actions how you felt, cause you knew that talk is cheap,
When you peered into my soul you were blinded by the light,
But also glimpsed that a devil resides in a heart as black as night,
Only God knows why you loved me, I am such a damaged soul,
But you saw past my transgressions and loved me for my whole,
Your company was my garden, and your love, the soil where I could grow,
Such a shame that I didn't know how much I loved you, until I let you go,
Things happen the way they're supposed to, and always the way we need,
And if intentions manifests our destiny it's all in which wolf you feed,
Now we're standing here at the fork in the road, 2 souls that merged as one,
And it just seems like such a sin to end this love before it has even begun...

-Ryan Mita 3/11/16

"The Greatest Gift I Have Ever Known"

Tell me your greatest fear, so I may come to know the texture of your soul,
Only through your vulnerability can I appreciate its glow,
It's as if we had known each other through many lifetimes long ago,
A recognition of a sudden recollection of the soul, 
A union that so effortlessly transcended space and time,
With one who possessed a bright and iridescent shine, 
I only wish that I hadn't been so selfish with our time, 
Cause I only saw your surface, not the story that lay behind, 
Now I am haunted by this romance with a memory of a feeling,
As if my heart has trapped my mind, confined just like a ceiling,
But it's my mind that needs to learn to heal, for my heart has never failed,
And I just know when I reach my end that it's your heart that I held,
So you may be absent from my life, but somehow I never feel alone,
This quiet strength born of weakness, the greatest gift I've ever known...

-Ryan Mita


       Today's children are growing up in a world that is vastly different than any generation before in history.  Just within the last 10 years our technological world has changed more than words can say.  These changes in technology have changed the way that we humans communicate.  With so much stimulation for a child's mind to soak up, parents need to pay closer attention to how our children are interpreting and processing all of this information.  The right approach would NOT be to shelter them from these stimulations, but to acknowledge their curious minds. 
        We moved from the industrial revolution quickly into the information age.  Our baby boomer generation was raised in a time period where the "American Dream" was still a real concept.  It produced many successful citizens who now have "problem children"  The rapid change in our civilization from the baby boomer generation to generation X also required a change in traditional parenting, but many households failed to do this and many broken families remain.  The result; many of those children are now adults in their early 20's or early 30's, who still act like children because their parents still treat them like children.  Many of these baby boomers continue to try to help guide their children by imposing their will into their children's lives instead of letting their kids make their own choices and suffer their own mistakes.  From so many years of trying to teach, may have forgotten that people learn things through learned EXPERIENCE.  Without pleasure we wouldn't know pain, and without love we wouldn't know hate.  So when parent's take away their child's free will a child learns to blame their parents for the consequences in their life.  Just like discipline means something different than punishment, teaching is different than forcing.  The old saying goes: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink", and parenting is no exception.
        Parents today need to take a much more hands on approach raising their kids.  Every child is unique and special in their own ways and instead of trying to "guide" them to the life we want them to lead, we should pay more attention to their needs and interests, and help them to develop their talents.  When we understand what our kids are good at and what they ENJOY doing, we can make better choices on what directions to encourage them to go.  Instead of trying to pound a puzzle piece into the wrong spot.  Many of generation X's problem kids are a result of parents' "good intentions" gone wrong, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  Let's right the wrongs of the past and LISTEN to our children, so that history does not repeat itself.  Take time out of our busy days to answer our kids' questions as best we can and ask them questions so that we can understand how our children are perceiving their worlds.  After all...perception IS reality, right?

-Ryan Mita

Tuesday, June 24, 2014




Subliminal Messaging and Mind Control At The Most Fundamental Level...Free Your Mind From The Way They've Made You Think.

    If there is one thing that we humans underestimate, it is the way that our brains work.  Much like how it's hard to notice results in your body when you work out because you look at yourself everyday, being constant companions with your own mind can make it easy to overlook thinking errors.  Also, we fail to realize how basic our brains really function at a primal level.  Humans understand things how they interpret their worlds.  This would be lines, shapes, and colors.  If any of you have used Windows 8 versus any other form of Windows you probably noticed that once you sign in it takes you to an application manager.  This is odd because in every other version of Windows the foundation was the Desktop.  It made sense to us because we visualize a desktop.  What Windows 8 did, is it took the authority away from the desktop and gave it to the application manager.  Also, it took away the START button and moved the origin of everything to the right side of the screen.  It literally re-routes your brain. 
    We visualize things in a way that makes sense to us, so understanding and seeing things on a geometrical level is the foundation to how our brains actually process information.  Outside influences, stimulation, etc. manipulate our minds into relating certain things together (example: WHITE, WHITE, WHITE what do cows drink?)  Many people will automatically think "milk", because I've related the color white with something that's commonly known for coming from cows.  Our government has tried to convince us that subliminal messaging was done away with decades ago, but this is a lie.  We humans are extraordinary creatures and what sets us apart from other beings on Earth, is our ability to manipulate others with our very words.  After countless psychological tests and experiments scientists and psychologists have come to understand how colors, shapes, even music influence our minds and souls.  We've had a "jingle" from a commercial stuck in our heads before, right?  Or maybe you've noticed that the background color in almost all food commercials is white, because the color "white" sub-consciously associates the brain with an empty stomach.  All of these are forms of subliminal messaging that are programming our brains to think a certain way.  Other, less elusive ways are, pharmaceutical drugs for mental disorders, companies that "help" with debt, etc.  These commercials/advertisements are teaching our minds to think there is a solution to our problem, a pill for our illness, a label for our issue.  Once we can put a name to whatever our problem may be and give it a definition, it gives us peace of mind, just because we found something to call it.  We can relax because it's not our fault.  "It's cause I have bi-polar disorder."  Our society has conditioned us to scapegoat our real issues on these mental disorders/illnesses, with its fast-paced, always living ahead, type of mentality our brains want to grasp at labels and names because it makes things easier for us because we would rather avoid the REAL issues, and as long as we have it labeled we can store it away in our heads as "dealt with", when we've really just walked around the issue to get to the label we need.
    We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with overloads of stimulation everywhere we go.  Everything and everyone is feeding us information that our brains are taking in and whether we realize it or not,  all of these stimulation are conditioning our minds to think in a "generic" way.  Most of these stimulation are given to us in the comfort of our own homes through our beloved Televisions.  Televisions offer a constant stimulation of media, music, and our brains sit there and soak up all of this information.  Through our T.V. we can turn on CNN and get the latest on disasters in Syria or a new tragic illness that's sweeping the world by storm, and we CHOOSE to buy into it because it sounds logical.  Swine Flu is just the name of a new illness, but what we have been overlooking is how the name associates other things in our heads like: Pigs, Mexicans, dirty, sick.  These "innocent" names are creating separation and under-laying prejudices in our heads. Over time, we've learned to let our guard down with our T.V.'s           
     Humans believe things for 1 of 2 reasons: #1 because we WANT to; or #2 because we FEAR it might be true.  We want to keep living in our fantasy worlds so we don't have to address any of the REAL issues going on inside of us.  Every kind of emotional or mental disorder is really just different degrees of denial.  It's just easier for people to live in this fantasy world where our nation is the persecuted that fights for the righteousness, so that we can sub-consciously keep pointing the finger at everyone else and disguise our "judging" as "helping".  History repeats itself.  It happend in the early frontier when "Americans" invaded this country and stole Native Americans land and isolated them to one measly state, where many died along the way in what's known as "The Trail of Tears".  How can people NOT notice that our government is using the same old tactics?  "We're going to civilize these savages." and "We're going to liberate the Palistinians." sound pretty much the same to me.
    Technology has helped the government as well as corporate america learn, understand, and guide our minds and, for lack of a better term, "train" to their specifity , and they have been able to make us all desire the same materialistic things and desire to look like the same models that we see in magazines and on our favorite T.V. shows, and used our own predictability to market their products and our states of minds to choose the next best plan of attack to disguise their true motives.  The result, is a nation full of zombie-like minds and teeter totter mentalities.  It has formed a society with cookie-cutter answers to almost every scenario you could possibly think of.  Which is wrong, because everyone has unique issues and circumstances that require someone to listen and LEARN their situation to decide the best plan of attack for their clients problem.  Instead we have: "To qualify for financial aid you must first meet this criteria", or "To get food stamps you must first meet this criteria".  When did Americans stop caring about one another and start operating in such a robotic way?  What happend to someone making a judgment call or executive decision based on the circumstances? Isn't that what being a manager or boss is all about?  To understand and decide best how to help others feel satisfied with their efforts?  We have forgotten what leaders are in this world. Leadership has become a status symbol.  We associate that word with: promotions, seniority, ego.  Leaders are people who are themselves and by just being themselves their energy and confidence attracts followers who share the same goals as the leader.  Leadership is all about energy and understanding how to best delegate the energies of those around them, they in turn, work to get the whole team to their destination.  Leaders are a focal point for others to gain encouragement off of.  Just like our minds like to have labels, our eyes like to have a boss or someone, something to follow.
    Our government as well as wealthy corporations have created a society with these 2-dimensional answers and have found a way to make revenue off of the lower class citizens of this country.  It's no secret: 1 out of 5 adult males in Idaho are on probation/parole/incarcerated and we have the 3rd lowest crime rate in the nation.  Don't those statistics seem off?  Private prisons are one of the fastest growing businesses in America.  The whole idea of a "private prison" is immoral.  When a state department is able to pay a private corporation to house state inmates, it creates a market where it behoves a non-state entity to incarcerate state inmates.  State prisons are built and funded by the tax payer dollars, but when DOC can pay another entity to house their inmates, it creates a situation where both the DOC and the private corporation make profit.  As a result, American citizens are thrown into these artificial environments where these labels further brainwash these people into thinking they are bad.  It's a sick kind of "negative affirmation" that is easy to believe when one is around other "hopeless" criminals in an attempt to "rehabilitate" them.  It turns into a comfortable lifestyle and continues to create separateness in our communities as many offenders find it difficult to transition back into the community around "normal" people and want to do the natural thing and associate with people they feel they can relate to.
    The poor keep getting poorer and the rich stay rich, but the gap between upper-class and lower-class citizens keeps growing to where there really isn't a "middle-class" anymore.  All their 401k's were stolen.  It's not new news that our economy is shot, so where is our money coming from?  The president "injected" a few trillion dollars into our economy and everyone just cheered.  The problem is; that money has to come from somewhere.  It's simple economics: If you take from here and put there, it creates a debt.  We are buying our own money from China, with interest.  Our nation is in such debt to other countries and our past "go-to plan", to wage/promote war, as America produced the weapons that fight wars, is obsolete due to the rapid change in technology, so too were there rapid changes in how we fight wars.  America doesn't produce any product that are "sought" after anymore.  So our country has turned the justice system into it's #1 form of income.  How pathetic is it that our own government is leaching off of the lower-class citizens, so that the upper-class can stay rich and stay in power?  We don't see statistics because the government only shows us what they want us to know.  Just like how when Japan's Tsunami damaged the nuclear reactor and all that nuclear radiation leaked into the ocean, then all of the sudden the news stopped reporting on it.  Did anyone ask any questions?  That was enough nuclear radiation to kill everyone and everything on this planet, but a happy American is an ignorant American and we love to keep these blinders on.  Whoever controls the money, holds the power.  Our Republic of U.S.A. or Democracy of U.S.A., whatever you want to call it, has turned into a giant pyramid scheme.  The same government that demonized the idea of Communism and socialist-style governments have become the dictators milking the citizens of this country.  They just hide behind a curtain and watch as everyone blames Barack Obama.  What a perfect scapegoat.  First black president, democrat, Muslim name, and he even has a Muslim Prayer Curtain hanging behind him during every speech.  He is the first president in history to do that.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.
    Our 3 government branches create a confusing and elementary explanation for what each branches purpose is sends the brain around in circles much like today's legal permissions that we've just learned to agree to when signing up for a new service or contract, as deciphering these coded legal documents is not worth the effort to even attempt, as the wording is meant to be confusing so that we ALWAYS opt not to read it. Furthermore, counties have their laws, state trumps county laws, and federal laws trump state laws.  The government just keeps making laws and regulations that affect the lower and middle class citizens so that they can impose those laws at their will.  Now, we have Obama-care where we can be fined for NOT having healthcare.  They haven't yet, but they reserve the right to fine us, when their pockets start running thin and they will.
    Maybe  The United States of America started off as a novel idea and a great government model, but today it is overrun with corruption, greed, and power.  Any government model, no matter how perfectly equal/fair it is, will eventually fall to the selfish acts of a few individuals.  The Great Wall of China was built to keep out enemies and it stood for over 100 years before enemies just walked across the wall because they bribed the Chinese guards.
    Idaho has made a lucrative business out of incarcerating people. If citizens got the real details of what some of these "criminals" are being locked up for, they would look at the justice system in a whole other light.  It's not just Idaho, either.  Arizona has class 6 felonies now.  You can get pulled over with a marijuana pipe and be charged with a felony!  Why? I don't know.  We can only speculate, but when a US citizen is convicted of a felony, they lose their right to bear arms and, also they lose their right to vote.  Those are 2 of our constitutional rights that our trustworthy government has found a loophole around.  This type of "justice system" has spawned businesses of their own with commissary companies, phone services, etc.  All these outside entities want to lock up more people, because the more people that are incarcerated, the more revenue their company will make.  Corrections Corporation of America paid Idaho's Governor, Butch Otter $20,000/year for years!  Can't anyone see how wrong this whole thing is?  Our governor influences laws in our state.  Now why would a private prison company be "donating" money to our governor?  Then, when everyone started to notice this oddity because they were forced to start looking at where our money is going, Butch Otter turns around and acts like the "knight in shining armor" here to rescue inmates and tax payers alike from this injustice! And people just swallow it.  People just conveniently forget about the fact that this man was involved.  He was at the very root of the injustice, but our zombie-like minds go back to thinking everything in our world is fine because the governor did his job and put an end to IDOC's contract with CCA.  It's like so many of us have forgotten how to use the brains God gave us.  So many individuals choose to forget about the order of operations and chronological order of events that caused whatever issue.  It's like since Butch Otter rallied to get CCA and IDOC to end their contract, everyone conveniently forgot that if he wouldn't have accepted dirty campaign money from CCA on a annual basis, maybe so many lives and families wouldn't have been ruined in the process.
    We as human beings have forgotten the very nature of our humanity.  We've based everything we are on how much money we have, our reputations, and focused only on ourselves and a few close to us. Our world operates on money.  Capitalism allowed "The American Dream" to be an attainable concept.  But at the heart of it, money is a form of slavery.  It is used to control our desires and our focus.  "work, work, work, give your money for us to hold on to, it'll pay off in the end!" 401k's were drained by "bankers", and it was all legal.  Well, when Osama Bin Laden claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, we used that as fuel to attack Suddam Hussein.  So why can we extradite and hunt down some fugitives...but not these bankers that stole billions of dollars.  Furthermore, scared, angry people are easy to control and people seemed to not realize that Osama Bin Laden and Suddam Hussein were 2 totally separate entities.  Americans were just so caught up on getting even, that we forgot to aim at the right person before we shot. 
    The poverty stricken in this country are fed-up.  We can see through the lies and see this society and this government for what it truly is.  Maybe the "American Dream" was a real concept at one point in time, but our government and judicial system has been infected with power-grubbing, money hungry leaders that don't have "the people's" best interest at heart anymore.  They have found loopholes to take away our rights, disguised their acts as something else, and hid behind the illusion of "The American Dream".  There are so many huge corporations that Americans continue to support by utilizing their goods and services and this is exactly why corporations like these are able to stay in power.  We support them when we don't support our local and independent businesses.  The world wide web has given ordinary citizens the ability to market, advertise, and purchase/sell products on a global level.  In order to take back our freedom and change this society, we as citizens have a responsibility to STOP supporting Big Business Corporate America and START supporting family owned and operated independent small businesses.  We need money to exist in the world we live in, but our needs can be provided by our community.  We do not have to submit to the drudgery and hopelessness of this societal heirachy, like we have been.  Failing is choosing NOT to do anything.  I would rather die on my feet before I live on my knees, and I refuse to sit around watching my community suffer any longer.  We, as US citizens, and Idahoens need to come together as a state and support our community.  Idaho offers very diverse lifestyles and we need to stop trying to separate ourselves from others that we feel we can't relate to.  We must come together and seek to understand the differences in our existences, so that we can better understand what makes the other tick and what their perspective of life is.  Ever so slight changes in perspective make all the difference in the world.  
      Where my father looks at the suffering in the world and thinks "Why can't everyone just be like my friends and I, then everyone would be happy", I look at the world and think "Why can't people see that there are people suffering, stuck in a system that takes away hope?  Why the hell are we going to war in another country when we have enough problems here?"  Where normal people draw a line in the sand and say "This is my limit.  I'm not going past this line." I draw that same line in the sand, but that line is for others to not cross, cause in a society bred off of selfishness and using others, we teach people how to treat us and so many people will mistake our kindness as weakness, so that line represents to us our boundaries.  These "other" citizens of this nation and of this Great State of Idaho, are people too.  We all operate by layers of betrayals, right?  And we all must do what we must to survive, right?  We may not agree with how one man makes his living, or the choices that one has made, but we must be tolerant of the possibility that there are under-laying circumstances that we are not aware of that drive others to commit acts that we see as wrong.  Who is anyone to judge someone else or compare their struggles to mine?  We as a community, must find a way to compromise and learn who one another is so that we can help start businesses and services that are tailored to our community rather than go to the government ran franchises that exist through our contributions.  Empathy is different than sympathy.  We must attempt to see the world through others' eyes so that we can try to fully appreciate their realities.  When we look for similarities we will keep finding them, and when we look for differences we will always find them too.  But one perspective creates separateness and one creates community.  Which seems more pro-social????
-Ryan Mita