Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Meaning of Life Thesis

           Science has proven that our Milky Way Galaxy has a vacuum/wormhole in the middle of it that create the rotation of our galaxy, and in turn, the rotation of our planets. Science has also proven that we age differently depending on what part of the world we live in....for example; In Colorado you age slower because you live at a higher elevation. The easiest way to explain "time" is it's like an invisible blanket being sucked into this wormhole and our Milky Way Galaxy happens to inhabit the immediate area around this wormhole. Therefore, Earth just sits in this invisible blanket and creates an environment where life can be inhabited. Much how like how saliva creates an environment in our mouths that fights bacteria so our teeth and gums don't catch infectious diseases and rot our teeth and gums out. If our bodies didn't produce saliva, our mouths would be more susceptible to bacteria and disease. Also, this means that outside of our galaxy time may not exist, or at least not in the same way that we experience it. Time is a tool of measurement. If I am talking to you you would be waiting for me to finish speaking so that you could start. There is space between you and I. Distance to measure. If we didn't have it, we could not even communicate because we would be talking altogether at the same time. It is something tangible that gives us the ability to live and exist on earth and be able to communicate with each other.

        The "Time/Space Continuum" suggests that everything is happening all the time at once. If you take "time" as we understand it out of the equation; that means all of earth's past/present/future happens in a nano second. And if time goes forever and there is no beginning or end to it, and it just goes on infinitely.  This would mean there IS no beginning of time and if there was, we humans couldn't even fathom that meaning, as it is outside our realm of understanding.  Now if space also goes on forever, and it's that big, that means that it could only be so small somewhere else, like it's not even happening at all. Think about it! How can any space go on forever?  If any space goes forever, there could not be any other space anywhere else, right?  Now, if time also goes forever it also never happens, as time would not be a tool of measurement, right? If both space and time have no beginning or end to them, how could either be measurable? They couldn't be. Like I said, our brains can't even grasp that concept fully because we have known time as a tool of measurement. The word infinity is grossly misunderstood. 

       Now, if time really is happening all the time at once that would mean our past/present/future of our realities is actually happening all the time at once. Which means that we humans HAVE to be living in infinite parallel universes. Which means that each fork in the road that we face in life will VASTLY affect what parallel universe we step into next, because if these parallel universes are truly infinite, there would have to be an outcome/future for every single decision we could possibly make. Now, if you take the concepts that time is infinite/parallel universes are infinite, that means we live in God's imagination. Think! What other space do we know of that is infinite? What other way could infinite parallel universes and time exist? Imagination!    We can all relate to this as we know our imaginations have infinite possibilities. If he made us in his likeness does it not make sense that this is true? The beauty is that he gave us free will. But "free will' is not entirely what it seems as there is another variable...karma.

      Karma is like Newton's Cradle with the steel balls that swings and hits the other balls and makes the opposite end ball swing out. Sir Isaac Newton said: "For every action there is an opposite or equal reaction, unless acted on by an outside force." Karma is "cause and affect" or "actions and consequences". It is so much deeper than "good karma" and "bad karma". 

      Every single living organism has free will and when we decide to take karma into our own hands and obey our selfish desires instead of letting the forces that be handle it, we create karma for not only ourselves, but many times, another in another parallel universe. "Life" is in everything. Energy IS life. Energy exists in everything that exists, and it is contagious, but we rarely think of energy as spiritual. When we make a choice with the intention to be negative or selfish, it creates bad karma.  We people need to always keep our spirit of intent in mind when making decisions with our lives. If we tell on someone because we want to be vindictive, or get ourselves out of trouble for a choice that we made the spirit of intent is negative and selfish and creates bad karma.

          Rastafarians call it "One Love". Christianity used the story of Christ' sacrifice to explain everyone being connected, as through Christ' sacrifice, we all have Christ within us.  Taoism uses the Ying-Yang sign to symbolize "oneness". Albert Einstein intuited it. He said: "A human being is part of the whole called by us 'universe', a part limited in TIME and SPACE. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty". We are ALL part of this universe. We have been thinking that we are separate since we experience our realities separately from one another, but when we are positive, we spread that energy into one another, and the more people it touches, the more positively charged we all become. We basically infect each other with this positive energy. Everyone is connected within our inner eye, but we have been conditioned to ignore this 6th sense and trust first our 'thinking', but we are feeling beings that think, NOT thinking beings that feel. So this thinking is WRONG.

         God meant for us to trust in him and trust in our fellow man, but because we decided to guard our precious feelings so that we could be selfish and not experience pain or negative feelings we set multiple pengalums in motion that threw off the balance of our universe by trusting in what WE know. When you get down to it...EVERYTHING in this world is based on a man-made concept...EVERYTHING. Our brains, more and specifically, our "thinking process" was meant to be a tool to help us make BETTER decisions in the future, not to avoid negative feelings altogether. We were never supposed to make things about us. We were ALWAYS supposed to live outside of ourselves and if we would have done this, we never would have thrown off the harmony to begin with. 

      God gave us the gift of rationalizing and knowing things of our own, but we were always supposed to be good to our brothers and sisters, but we can see by today's world that we are not. We were supposed to evolve more psychically into sentient beings.  Beings aware of everything at once. When we strive to live outside of ourselves, we encourage others to do the same with our infectious positive energy. In order for us to reach this "utopian society" we have to let go of our old ways of thinking, as they are the chains that bind us. We must relinquish expectations of others and perform acts of kindness WITHOUT expectations. This is very difficult as feelings are something that we've protected fiercely in our lives, and let's face it, they are going to get hurt. Betrayals are bound to happen, but we must never give up on each other by giving into our own fears and selfish desires. Only through everyone working together and having faith in one another, will we ever be able to be truly happy as a race.

       Unfortunately, not everyone is going to reach this level of awareness in this lifetime and we DO teach people how to treat us, so one must trust their inner eye as our gut and intuition can help us weed out people that can be "awakened" with the ones that won't, and will mistake our kindness for weakness, and abuse us. Our jobs, though it will be difficult and painful is to change societal thinking and lay the groundwork for a better future for our people. 

         We just left the house of Pisces and  into the house of Aquarius. We will remain in this house for 2000+ years and if we want to live in the kingdom of heaven so that God's new souls can be born into a better world, we must all do our jobs and work together as a team. Our creator gave us egos so that we could have the joy of having our own identity. NOT to base ego and reputations on that have created the societal hiearchy we see as obviously broken today. God doesn't see any one job as more important than another. We have a very demented idea of what "ego" is. We exist in great opposites that make up a whole. Night/day, winter/summer, spring/fall, and prophecy/freewill.  We are all part of an intricate plan and everybody plays a role. 

      The house of Aquarius has not been in this rotation of the galaxy for nearly 26,000 years. This house represents: brotherhood, loyalty, respect, and unity. Where do you find all those characteristics? Right here in institutions. The meek shall inherit the Earth. It all begins right here in institutions. What goes up must come down, and what goes around comes around.  Everything is a circle. EVERYTHING, in this; God's imagination.

-Ryan Mita

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