Saturday, July 26, 2014

What is a human being??? PART 1

        We humans are an oddity.  To try to understand what a human being is, you must first understand this:  When you breakdown anything you eventually get to 2 things that came from one.  Humans are made of 2 things internally: logic and emotion...but there is no logic in emotion and no emotion in logic.  They are 2 things that cannot be, but are.  Also, we have to KNOW something in order to be "thinking beings", though.  If we didn't have the ability to make up our minds and KNOW certain facts or truths then we would just be confused all the time.  We'd have thoughts go through our heads and our feelings would also influence us and if we couldn't make up our mind or even decide to KNOW anything then we wouldn't be able to make a decision, and thus we wouldn't be "thinking beings".  I believe that all beings on earth are actually "thinking beings", but the size of our brain compared to our bodies is much larger than other animals on Earth, so our thinking ability is higher than other animals.  Also, our brains burn about 25% of the calories that we put into our bodies, and that is a significant amount of calories for any animal to dedicate to "brain power".  It also makes sense that because of our bigger brains we have a more advanced thinking process than other species.  For these reasons I believe that our ability to process more variables more efficiently, about a situation is greater than other animals.
    Our thinking process is influenced by beliefs that have been formed from past experiences and consequences in past situations.  And beliefs are formed by our feelings and logic in a situation.  We must first experience some sort of feeling and know/believe something in order to gain wisdom on how to handle a similar one in the future.  If you walk outside barefoot and stepped on a nail, your feeling of pain will prompt a thought to wear shoes outside so that you don't experience that pain again.  "I should wear shoes outside." may then become a belief because of your learned experience.  Our personalities are a mixture of feelings, logic, and beliefs.  As we mature our beliefs will change and evolve, as wisdom is gained through actions and consequences over time.   
    Human evolution is very real.  Anyone who denies that fact has got to be living in a box.  There is no way that people can't notice the evolution in the past 10 years, in which we communicate.  We have basically made ourselves telepathic.  In today's society, we have come to rely on labels and names to call our problems which society has already deemed as an "illness" or "disorder".  So many parents mistakenly jump on the ADD/ADHD bandwagon, but I think parents are experiencing their children thinking faster and therefore, losing track of thoughts, getting frustrated by miscommunicating, stumbling over their words, and the frustration or WANT to understand, because the thoughts are going too fast in their heads to NOT get mixed up or confused on.  What if these kids are just more evolved to interpret the "Information Age" more efficiently?  Why does everyone seem so concrete on evolution just being a physical thing?
    When we are children we feel an emotion and instinctively understand that in order for us to balance out negative feelings we must replace it with a positive.  So we go from one extreme to the other and through each consequence with similar experiences we grow into a balance that is us by finding a softer extreme than before, and this will continue to happen over and over again until we die.  This circle of life that is the very fabric of us will continue for all the years that we are alive until our death.  It is a constant circle of interpreting, deciding, and responding to the stimulations in our lives.  We learn that although we have similar experiences, through our life, none are all the same and each circumstance has its own set of unique variables which we must consider when making a decision on how to respond to a situation.  This realization also brings an understanding that we simply have no right or ground to judge or assume anything about others' actions or decisions in a situation, as we can see that by looking at ours.
    As soon as we humans decided to KNOW anything of our own, is when the incredible oddity that makes us human beings came into existence.  We are at the "top of the food chain" in the animal kingdom and also on planet Earth.  Where the rest of the beings in this universe have natural predators to think about, we don't, so we become each other's predator and prey.  What sets us apart from other animals on Earth, at the very core of it, is our morals.  An animal at the top of the food chain, with no predators almost has to have a concept of "Good and Evil" built into it cause the whole rest of the planet would depend on it.  With great power comes great responsibility, right?  Well, I agree, but I also don't think that our creator would put that awesome responsibility in our hands.  If he created everything, he should know that this race is too stupid and selfish to be trusted with the keys to the universe. A wise man would agree, God isn't that stupid.  We are so intolerable and insensitive to others' circumstances and backgrounds that we separate ourselves from people we see as "different" when we are really just like any other organism and we are supposed to work together to co-exist on Earth. 

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